Hayley & Joe // An Engagement Session in Seattle

I had the absolute honor of spending my Memorial Day weekend exploring Seattle with the lovely couple, Hayley and Joe, two Gusties I went to undergraduate with. Hayley is a living and breathing Moana; she is fearless yet has an infinite amount of compassion. This was voiced by Joe as well. "My favorite thing about Hayley is her empathy. She really understands how people around her feel, and can put herself into anyone's shoes. She is a true includer. It's what makes her an amazing doctor." Hayley is currently studying dentistry and has a passion for pediatrics. Hayley said, "I want to become a pediatric dentist because they have such a profound ability to shape a child's experience of the dentist into a positive one from an early age. I always look forward to the dentist, and I want to give kids the same positive experience of the dentist that I had." Hayley's fiancé, Joe, doesn't lack greatness either. He is a charming fellow whose kindness is unwavering. Hayley agrees, with "There are so many things I love about him. I love how his sense of humor is perfectly tailored to make me laugh, I love how put-together he is yet his hair likes to rebel against that tidy part of him, and I love how unconditionally he supports me in my dreams. That, and he is the most handsome man I have ever met in my life.” Joe is currently a business consultant at Slalom and primarily works in finances and as a strategist. Joe said, "I love my job! I wish I had a better sound bite for it, haha. I would like to stay in consulting for a while, but leave the door open for whatever the future holds."

Hayley, Joe, and I spent our weekend hiking to Snoqualmie Falls, exploring downtown Seattle, a ferry ride to Bainbridge Island, their favorite coffee shops, and a splendid hike up Rattlesnake Ledge. Of course, their adorably warm and sweet golden retriever, Ruby, joined us for an adventure or two.

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